3 Ways That Meditation Can Change Your Life Forever

Bailey Davis
3 min readDec 13, 2020


“I don’t practice meditation, I’m not Buddhist!”

“Meditation isn’t for me, I’m not spiritual anyways.”

“Isn’t meditation only used for religious purposes?”


So many people have the pre-conceived notion that meditation is only beneficial to certain religious groups or spiritual people, and boy are they wrong.

In the past, meditation was only regularly used for spiritual or religious purposes. Very few people knew about the advantages that came along with the practice. However, over the years meditation has become super popular among celebrities and other individuals, and today it’s used pretty commonly.

Overall, meditation actually has a ton of mental and physical health benefits.


You’re at work, in your office, and your neck is hurting bad. Your muscles are super tense and achy but you reallyyy don’t want to spend $100+ for a massage. That’s insane!

But what if there was a way to rid your muscles of built up tension without using an entire paycheck that you worked your butt off for?

Fortunately for you, there is! It’s a little trick I use often called meditation. And the best part is, it’s completely free! Watch a YouTube a video on your phone, join a live stream group, or simply Google how to practice by yourself at home. Whatever floats your boat.

Muscle relaxation meditation requires you to tense up a specific muscle group in your body, and then release the group of muscles slowly. Doing this helps to drain all of the stiffness from your muscles, leaving you feeling relaxed and relieved.

We all want that feeling of relief, am I right?


It’s impossible to be the best version of yourself when you aren’t in your best mental state. Mental health is important. It needs to be addressed, which is exactly why EVERYONE should be taking the necessary steps to improve their mental health every day.

One of the most popular benefits of meditation is that it gives you a relaxed, tranquil mind. Ultimately, it gives you a sense of peace like no other, which leads to a significant decrease of negative emotions.

Sounds pretty amazing, right!

Meditating requires you to focus your attention upon one positive thought. Doing this significantly increases the production of the “happy” hormone in your brain called dopamine.

More happiness, less stress, better life. It’s a win-win.


Yep, you read that right. Meditation actually supplements creativity! Quite a nice advantage for all of my artists out there. Also a cool benefit for everyone else. Who doesn’t love a bit of creativity sometimes?

Meditation increases your creativity by opening your mind to new ideas. Once you get into a deep, meditative mindset, your brain allows new ideas to flow in freely, enhancing your creativity.

While meditating, your attention is also improved which makes it easier to process these new ideas, and remember them for later.


Meditation is a super helpful practice that is easily accessible to anyone, and can improve your mental health and overall well-being.

It can be practiced individually, or in groups. For free at home, or for a price in a studio. During your lunch break. Before you go to bed. Anytime, anywhere.

Treat yourself. Start meditating today and watch the peace roll in.



Bailey Davis

Hi! I'm Bailey, an expert health/wellness copywriter. I create actionable content for the health industry. For more, visit www.baileybrookedavis.com